May 2013 Press Release

14 May

Here is a press release we sent out on May 14, 2013, to give you some more details about Peace Camp 2013!

Peace Camp aims for Global Impact with Local Actions
May 14, 2013

WATERLOO, ON—Conrad Grebel University College’s third annual Peace Camp is a memorable and meaningful summer camp option for youth aged 11-14. This week long day camp, starting on July 29th, is action-packed with exciting new activities, crafts, games, and field trips that will encourage youth to inspire lives, strengthen ties, and make peace happen all over the Waterloo region.

Last year a camper came away from Peace Camp saying: “I’ve learned so much that I’d like to remember my whole life. I’ve made so many great friends and counsellors I’ll never forget. I’ve learned that sometimes being sad because of a story makes you remember it even more. This camp really made me care about things and made me try harder to make the world better. I really want to come to this camp again because here, every game or story, or person you meet, means something. In this camp I’ve learned to stand up for what I believe in and NEVER give up no matter what!”

Equipped with a 5-year grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation and on-going sponsorship from the Mennonite Savings and Credit Union and Josslin Insurance, Peace Camp is embarking on a voyage of learning and discovery where youth will collaborate with people in different neighbourhoods to help ordinary citizens do extraordinary deeds.

Peace Camp partners with the peacebuilding organizations of Interfaith Grand River and House of Friendship, as well as organizations committed to reversing the effects of violence – Working Against Youth Violence Everywhere committee (WAYVE) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Peace Camp is fortunate to be able to draw on the experience and expertise of these organizations to include people from all walks of life in peacemaking in Peace Camp’s programming.

Peace Camp Coordinator, Sarah Klassen, noted that “this summer’s theme ‘Local Actions With Global Impact’ will allow youth to participate in and experiment with arts, crafts, games, and sports that will not only teach co-operation and respect for others in the local community, but in the global community as well.” Youth will learn about actions that can be taken at home that can have a peaceful impact around the world.

Registration is now open! Peace Camp will be run from Monday, July 29th to August 2nd, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and lunch is included. Peace Camp is committed to providing a low-cost program to make sure all interested youth can participate. The total cost per camper is $175.00.

Register at
Twitter: @PeaceCampGrebel

Peace Camp at Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo.
Inspiring lives. Strengthening Ties. Making Peace Happen in the Waterloo Region

Announcing Peace Camp 2013!

30 Apr

Peace Camp 2013: July 29th to August 2nd

Its time to start planning for the upcoming summer, and for Peace Camp that means getting ready for a week of engaging guest speakers, exciting crafts, and entertaining activities. We have a lot of exciting ideas in the works, so stay tuned for some hints as we get closer to the start of camp.

Planning for the summer also means that registration is now open! Get your registration form in soon to make sure you don’t miss out on all of the fun. Registration forms can be found here.

Let’s get pumped for Peace Camp 2013!

Inspiring Lives. Strengthening Ties. Making Peace Happen in Waterloo Region.

It’s almost camp time!

25 Jul

Only four days left until camp starts!

We are super excited, and hope you are too. As a way to help you get ready for camp, we are going to give away some hints about the different activities we have planned for this year’s camp, as well as some hints about the leader staff to help you get to know them a bit better!

Keep an eye on this blog, our Facebook, and our Twitter for these hints- different things will be posted in different places, so you need to watch all three to see all the hints!

Let’s get excited!

Peace Camp in the News: ObserverXtra

24 Jul

Peace Camp made it into the news! The ObserverXtra interviewed our lovely coordinator, Devon Spier, last week and wrote a great story about Peace Camp- you can read the story for yourself here

July 2012 Press Release

22 Jul

Here is a press release we sent out on Monday, July 16th with some details about peace Camp 2012!

I have learned that war heads must be stopped, that people are the key, that deep breathing keeps an open mind, there are many ways to resolve a conflict, creativity has no bounds, friends make you laugh and even when ripped apart plants still grow – Peace Camper 2011, Age 12 ½

Calling youth 11-14 to make memories that will last a life time at the second annual Conrad Grebel Peace Camp! Our five-day long program is action-packed with exciting new field trips and camp games that will compel youth to inspire lives, strengthen ties and make peace happen all over Waterloo region.

Held in partnership with Mennonite Savings and Credit Union and Interfaith Grand River since 2011, Peace Camp is happy to draw on the expertise of these organizations as we work to include people from all walks of life in peacemaking.

Camp is also thrilled to add our new partners, the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation, Working Against Youth Violence Everwhere committee (WAVYE) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – Grand River Branch, to our list of generous groups whose support has allowed camp to further its commitment to non-violence and peace. We are proud to draw on the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation’s long history of support for violence prevention projects and the WAYVE and CMHA’s ongoing commitments to reversing the effects of youth violence as inspirations for our work.

Newly equippred with a 5-year grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation, Peace Camp is embarking on a voyage of discovery where youth will collaborate with people in different neighbourhoods to help ordinary citizens do extraordinary deeds.

Our summer theme “YOU(th) in Action” will allow youth the opportunity to experiment with arts, crafts, games and sports that teach co-operation and respect for others while providing practical strategies for youth to start up their own social justice initiatives. Youth will participate in improv theatre, a cooking class and hear one story per day from a youth who is leaving their mark on their community.

By working with individuals and groups across the region, Peace Camp brings community to camp and youth to community. So don’t delay. Make this summer a Peace Camp summer and help your child give their piece to peace.

The summer session of Peace Camp extends from Monday, July 30 to Friday, August 3, 2011. Our program takes places from 9:00am-4:00pm with the inclusion of lunch. Peace Camp is committed to providing a low-cost program to make sure all interested youth can participate. The cost for our program is 165.00.

Register at and Follow us on Twitter @PeaceCampGrebel

Inspiring Lives. Strengthening Ties. Making Peace Happen in Waterloo Region.